lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2021

Post: Postgraduate Studies


Hello everybody!

Today I will write about if I think about study a postgraduate … and it’s hard because at this moment I don't want continue studying … I have many reason for that; I’m 33 years old, I have a kid, I’m planning buy or build my own house… to many plans for now and I don’t have much time to study, after finish this.

But if I changed of mind… I would like study here in Chile, probably something related with clinical pharmacy, something that give me the tools to approach me to the patients, that’s my goal.

If you asked me this a few years ago, I would told you: I want study in Canada, but now with my son I prefer study here in Chile, close to the family and a safety and quiet environment for him.

If I would study I prefer something part-time because I need earn money… I’m still not so witchy to create money with magic spell, hahaha XD… out of jokes... studying in a blended system, it’s not a bad idea.

Truly I don't thought about studying a postgraduate ... although I love studying and learning various things ... but I have a degree on my back and this is my second career ... maybe I studied enough for a lifetime? ? Or not?

Like I said in my another post, life is so crazy  and you never know what is the next plan in your destiny… See ya

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Summer Holidays

       Summer… I don't like summer... is so hot!!! Unless you have a big swimming pool or you are camping close to a lake or sea :D ...