martes, 29 de junio de 2021

Post 7: An expert / person in your field that you admire


It's a little bit hard to me do this post, because I don't usually admire noone, but if someone ask me I think quickly on Nikola Tesla and Stephen Hawking, but after some minutes thinking on that I remember (someone closer to my field) Dr. Edward Bach.

I admire him becasuse he create a new way to heal people through the healling power of vibration of flowers. That sound crazy!! You can say that... but if you want to know about how that works you must to understand quantum physics and what are we made of... at simple words, we are compound about atoms but atoms are compound by electrons, protons and neutrons, but they are compound by quarks, and what are these elemental particles, are energetic particles?... we are compound by densified energy? Well I'm not an expert in quantum physic but I understand that. The way the Flowers of Bach work are through vibration, each flower have and specific vibration and it resonates with our vibration transforming it and with that change our bodies can healing.

Doctor Bach born at 24 September 1886 in Moseley, Worcestershire. He studied medicine at the University College Hospital in London, and obtained a diploma of Public Health at Cambridge.

In 1917 Bach had a malignant tumour removed from his spleen. It was predicted that he had only three months left to live, but instead he recovered. 

Bach died after finish his work (the 40 remedies of flowers). He died on his sleep at 27 November 1936 in Wallingford, Berkshire, at the age of 50.


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