Well this task is a little bit hard for me... you will see XD
When I was a child I wanted to be an archaeologist. Indiana Jones was my idol hahaha and I was very delighted with dinosaurs and ancient civilizations... until now I love to read about these topics, more with my son, he loves dinosaurs (some of his first words when he learned how to speak were pachycephalosaurus and parasaurolophus... I must admit that I felt very proud 😋).
When I studied Food Engineering I had 3 options; my first option was FE, my second options was C&P. and the third was architecture (I don´t remember why, maybe because I love drawing). Actually it was so hard decided what to study... I have severals skills (my hobbies are drawing, cooking, reading and writing) and at the school I had maths and scientific interest and of course good marks... but nothing never enchanted me.
Even though I have a degree I decided to start again with C&P... honestly I don´t like FE and I wasn't lucky finding jobs. When I worked as an engineer I didn't feel satisfaction, sometimes I felt very frustrated. And as I said in the first post, I´m also a therapist and with these studies I discovered my true vocation: heal people and help them, I enjoy that... it fills my heart... on the other hand I also have a scientific mind... that's the reason why I decided to start a second career.
I would like to work somewhere I feel valued and can use my skills and knowledge. Some job where sciences is used for good of people and the planet, not just for pockets, you know what I´m said.
Bye, thx 4 read!