sábado, 18 de diciembre de 2021

Summer Holidays


    Summer… I don't like summer... is so hot!!! Unless you have a big swimming pool or you are camping close to a lake or sea :D

    My last holiday of summer was in February of 2021 hehehe, We rented a cabin in a rustic resort close to the beach  (Isla Negra) with my son and my ex XD… well we enjoy a lot at the resort because they had horses and they offered equine-therapy for children. My son and I loves horses and he enjoyed a lot his class with Angus (a beautiful gentle black horse).  We enjoy a lot the beach to, because we found a little place between rock where the sea was calm and we could swim without dangerous waves … then my son swam with his father and played fetching crabs and seashells.

    After that we went again to the beach with my son in March of this year, with my friends of life, to the house of one of them. We past a good time at the beach, talking and drinking at night (when children are sleeping) and eating delicious thai and indian meals that one of my friend do (she traveled a lot around the world and learned  to cook many exotic meals).

     This summer I don’t know if we could go somewhere, classes never end and I need to do my first practice… maybe a few days… but all the years we were at the country living with my big sister and we enjoyed a lot the country life, taking care my son’s horse (she is a young horse and a little bit wild), seeing hatching chickens… and country staff. Was a kind of holiday year hahaha… in a few days we will return to our house in Santiago.

    My son want travel to China… I told him some day… it is a long plan goal but we probably do it, with my best travel partner nothing can stop us hahah :D

sábado, 11 de diciembre de 2021



Hi people!

This pic maybe doesn't look so funny, but it is and is significant too for me… 


 Here is the story behind this pic.

    We are in the Buin Zoo with my son Dante and my sister (the photographer), this pic is from two years ago I think (pre pandemic apocalypse). And I'm feeding lories (this beautiful and colorful Australian parrots)… I like bird… I love animals in general, but I have a problem with birds, I don’t like touch them, I don’t know why? Maybe it’s a kind of phobia… touch them make me feel super stress and I feel some disgust… I don’t know why they are so beauty and amazing… maybe because they are so tiny and fragile… who knows (I’m a little bit crazy… I know)… But even when I was so scary and nervous (they could bit me or make me poop on my head) I look so happy with my son (like the crazy girl of the parrots), showing him how they are and don’t be afraid of them even when they are super noisy birds… that is the funny thing behind this pic, how I can defeated my fears (even the stupid fears) just for trying to be the best example for my son and teach him be someone brave and confident.

    No one was bitten for parrots luckily and my son enjoy a lot this visit to the zoo, he loves visit the zoo because he loves animals like me.

lunes, 6 de diciembre de 2021

Post: Postgraduate Studies


Hello everybody!

Today I will write about if I think about study a postgraduate … and it’s hard because at this moment I don't want continue studying … I have many reason for that; I’m 33 years old, I have a kid, I’m planning buy or build my own house… to many plans for now and I don’t have much time to study, after finish this.

But if I changed of mind… I would like study here in Chile, probably something related with clinical pharmacy, something that give me the tools to approach me to the patients, that’s my goal.

If you asked me this a few years ago, I would told you: I want study in Canada, but now with my son I prefer study here in Chile, close to the family and a safety and quiet environment for him.

If I would study I prefer something part-time because I need earn money… I’m still not so witchy to create money with magic spell, hahaha XD… out of jokes... studying in a blended system, it’s not a bad idea.

Truly I don't thought about studying a postgraduate ... although I love studying and learning various things ... but I have a degree on my back and this is my second career ... maybe I studied enough for a lifetime? ? Or not?

Like I said in my another post, life is so crazy  and you never know what is the next plan in your destiny… See ya

Summer Holidays

       Summer… I don't like summer... is so hot!!! Unless you have a big swimming pool or you are camping close to a lake or sea :D ...